Posts Tagged ‘adam pendleton photography’

French Chateau…in Buckhead.

A while ago, we were fortunate enough to be able to do some work with award-winning landscape architect, Scott Hostetler, with Hostetler-Zhang-Studer on some of their recent work transforming a somewhat outdated exterior in Buckhead into something of a fantasy of landscapes.  To be honest, I have rarely seen this kind of detail in residential landscapes, and the closest place I can liken it to is something from Disney World.  It is truly amazing.

Scott told me that, when they purchased the property, the property was in rough shape, and had not been a priority for the previous owner.  In the back yard alone (which is more of a ‘back 40’) they had to bring the level of the soil up 4 feet.  When you see the size of the yard, you start to get some sense for the enormity of the task.  Discretion prevents me from repeating the total investment on this property, but it should suffice to say that you can’t get this stuff at any local nursery.

By the way, Scott occasionally allows tours of the property, so if you want to see some ridiculously beautiful landscape work, check it out  here.

The Dirty West…

Each year, around Thanksgiving, I, my wife Kim, and (now) the 3 boys, head due west for the enchanting land of Western Oklahoma.  That sounds a bit like the beginning line of a National Lampoon movie, but such has been the routine (at least for me) for the last 7 years (Kim has been going back since her initial ‘vacation’ East in 1996).  Kim’s entire family is from either the panhandle of Oklahoma, or Southwestern Kansas.  It really is a magical place… and, apparently, they all decided to stay…for some reason.

I don’t really mind the trip.  It usually falls at a time where even the nothingness that is Oklahoma seems like a vacation, and I usually welcome it.  This year was the first trip with the boys, and we decided (our bank account decided) to drive instead of flying, as we normally do.  We decided to take about 3 1/2 days to get out there, not knowing how the boys would do with the monotony of the driving, and not really wanting to do the entire 21 hours straight ourselves.  The boys did great.  Between their ‘discs’ and the truckload of Hot Wheels that they brought with them, they occupied themselves for the vast majority of the trip, with little to no brawling.  PTL.

Being a photographer, and the fact that Kim’s entire family knows I’m a photographer, I usually have a small bit of equipment with me on the trip.  This time, because of some additional projects that got planned for me, I had a bit more.  Not really an issue…I really do like the projects.  I’ll post some of the images from those later.  But, what really interested me this trip was….actually, I should go back a step.  One of the sides of Kim’s family lives outside a town called Keys, Oklahoma, which barely even shows up on Google Maps.  Her grandparents have lived there for over 60 years.   They live in a structure called a quonset.  Never heard of one?  Me either.  Picture a huge, round, grain storage container, roughly 60 feet in diameter.  Cut it in half, and tip the sucker over on it’s side so it forms a dome top.  Well they got one of those, and built a house under it.  While inside, you’d never imagine what the outside looked like.  It looks and feels just like any single-family home anywhere.  Of all of the images I took while we were there, none of them were of this fascinating place.  Nice one.

Anyway, here are some images from AROUND the home, but not of the actual home itself.  Maybe next year…

The place is really one that time has passed by.  There are remnants from their farming past, old vehicles that were ‘some-day’ projects, toys from decades ago (they made them differently then), and an aged earth that is reminiscent of a post-apocalyptic future.  I only scratched the surface this time, but I hope to really document the place next time we visit.  Here is a taste.  Have a great weekend!

Tough Guy…

Senior portraits can take many forms.  Sometimes they are sweet…sometimes they are stylish…  Sometimes they are tough.  We shot this set for Zane recently, and their only request is that he look ‘tough’.  Having worked with his football team throughout the last several years, I knew that the football route would be the way to go.

We shot this on a relatively warm evening, but when we start spraying him down with water, it actually took some ‘toughness’ to push through.  Thanks Zane for a fun shoot!

Here are some images from the shoot…  For the photographers, most shots were shot with a 2-3 light setup.  Usually 2 strip boxes on camera right and left, and a key that we switched back and forth between a 22″ beauty dish, and a 3×4 softbox.  Have a great Monday!