Photos of the Day…All-American Portraits

In case you have never heard of it, there is a thing called a ‘styled’ shoot.  Generally it is a photo shot that is designed to showcase a particular style or theme, and all of the images in the shoot follow that theme.  They are fun, they tend to produce amazing results, and one often has the opportunity to work with some very creative and talented and creative people.  This shoot wasn’t one of those…

BUT, (you should never start a sentence with but…) it had nearly every aspect of a styled shoot.  A great subject or model, a very interesting theme to photograph, and a unique location.  It just so happens that all of this came from a normal portrait shoot.  It ended up being a very all-American-like theme, and there wasn’t enough time to shoot all of the ideas we had.  Thanks so much to Kristal for being such a great sport….in 30 degree weather in Oklahoma nonetheless…

Let us know what you think!

Kristal-(4-of-9)Kristal-(8-of-9) Kristal-(9-of-9) Kristal-(1-of-9) Kristal-(2-of-9) Kristal-(3-of-9) Kristal-(5-of-9) Kristal-(6-of-9) Kristal-(7-of-9)

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