Posts Tagged ‘Interiors Photographer’

Interior Photos of the Day: Buckhead Town Home

It has been a very busy summer, and we are now starting to see the light of day.  One thing that we have neglected is showing current projects as they are shot.  I probably need to hire someone to do that… :/

Anyway, here is a gorgeous Buckhead town home that had, no joke, 4 different floors of renovation work.  Here are some highlights of the completed project.  Thanks again to Kade Homes for your great work!


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Interior Photos of the Day: Rustic, Contemporary, Elegant…?

I always try to come up with some witty title for my blog posts that describes the design of the space I photographed.  This one, however, wasn’t so easy to nail down.  A little bit of this, a little bit of that…but a whole lot of awesome.  That works, right?  In any case, there are some fantastic design elements throughout this kitchen design by Kade Homes.  Take a moment to study all of the detail work in this beauty.  It’s worth it…


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Interior Photos of the Day… Get in the Game!

Here are a few images from a recent shoot for a very cool new experience.  It is called VRX Games (Virtual Reality Experience) and it is crazy!  Your sight and hearing are transformed into another world and it is really convincing.  I gave it a shot, and I’ve never experienced anything like it!

ANYWAY, this shoot was a lot of fun, and let us know what you think!IMG_9295-Edit

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