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Interior Photo of the Day…

I am very fortunate to work with some fantastic clients that either design, renovate, or list and sell the most beautiful spaces in Atlanta.  One of them is the Marsh Team, made up of Bill and Trudy Marsh.  They specialize in higher price-point lake homes.  Today’s interior photo of the day is from a new listing of theirs right on the lake.  Hope you like it!

Have a great week!

Man, I Want to Live There…

One of the advantages of photographing interiors as a part of our services is the luxury of seeing some rather ridiculous interior spaces from time to time.  What makes that even better is being fortunate enough to work with the people that actually MAKE those interior spaces look that great.  Interior designers, remodeling companies, Realtors and stagers tend to be the ‘gate-keepers’ to those spaces, and I get to work with a ton of them.

One particular company that I do a good bit of work for is Kade Homes and Renovations.  They are a local company that does just what their name suggests, they renovate homes.  That industry took a hit in the last 4-5 years with the economy on the fritz, but in the last year there has been a resurgence in the amount of homeowners updating , face-lifting, or otherwise transforming the spaces in which they live.  It is pretty exiting to get a call from Dan Cipriani from Kade to go and photograph one of their new projects.  I never know what I will see, but I am never disappointed.

Just recently, Kade was honored as a winner of awards in 3 categories by the National Association of the Remodeling Industry‘s (NARI) annual CotY (Contractor of the Year) awards.  I’m honored to work with a company that, not only creates amazing spaces, but takes such great care of their clients in the process.  Congratulations Kade!

Here are some images of Kade’s work.

French Chateau…in Buckhead.

A while ago, we were fortunate enough to be able to do some work with award-winning landscape architect, Scott Hostetler, with Hostetler-Zhang-Studer on some of their recent work transforming a somewhat outdated exterior in Buckhead into something of a fantasy of landscapes.  To be honest, I have rarely seen this kind of detail in residential landscapes, and the closest place I can liken it to is something from Disney World.  It is truly amazing.

Scott told me that, when they purchased the property, the property was in rough shape, and had not been a priority for the previous owner.  In the back yard alone (which is more of a ‘back 40’) they had to bring the level of the soil up 4 feet.  When you see the size of the yard, you start to get some sense for the enormity of the task.  Discretion prevents me from repeating the total investment on this property, but it should suffice to say that you can’t get this stuff at any local nursery.

By the way, Scott occasionally allows tours of the property, so if you want to see some ridiculously beautiful landscape work, check it out  here.