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Interior Photos of the Day… Just Magnificence

It’s not every day that I get to photograph something like this.  It is pretty much the coolest thing ever to have so many options at a property, you can’t hope to get everything in one day.  Here is a property that was designed to turn heads.  Not only does the exterior scream “LOOK AT ME!”, but the interior does the same.  With it’s $1M+ in exterior landscape adornments alone, it is truly a magnificent sight.  The exterior is the design of the prestigious Hostetler-Zhang-Studer firm of Atlanta.  They are a renowned landscape and architectural firm that has made it’s name design and implementing exquisite architectural and landscape installations throughout the world.  

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Interior Photos of the Day… Mumbai or Bust

It is a wonderful thing to see the different and fantastic cultural influences in the homes that I photograph.  One might never know, based on a home’s exterior, what the interior looks like, or how you can step into another world by walking inside.  A few years back, I was able to travel to India for a few weeks with my wife for business.  The beauty of the country can’t be overstated, and since then, I have been very fond of that style of decor.  It creates a feeling of balance with natural materials.  The design inspires happiness, prosperity, and abundance.  Our subject this week is cut straight from that cloth.

Thanks to Larry Perkins for this one, and let us know what you think!

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Interior Photos of the Day… Kitchen Remodel – Kade Homes

Have you ever been a home that was built in the 70’s or early 80’s, and as you step in you feel like you have walked through a transporter and into that time?  You notice the thin, simple trim, the low, unadorned ceilings, the plush, shag carpeting?  If you close your eyes, you can imagine it, can’t you.  Yep, I can too.

Anyway, Dan Cipriani over at Kade Homes and Renovations has a habit of taking spaces like the above, and fast-forwarding them into the contemporary.  This is a beautiful example of this.  Notice the hand-scraped hardwood floors, the open, flowing feel of the new spaces (that used to be walled off and closed in) and wild granite pattern on the island.  I love photographing for Kade…

Let us know what you think!
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Interior Photos of the Day… Opulence OTP

I know, I know… It’s been a while since I posted images from any recent shoots.  I know that you wake up every day and say to yourself, “Self, I just don’t know how I’m going to go on without any new posts from APP.”  Well, I understand your plight.  I wouldn’t want to go a day without them either.  But, rest assured that I am working hard to make each and every one of your days bright with interior photography…

Here are a few spaces from a recent shoot courtesy of Cari Engert at Keller Williams Realty.  I was trying to find words to describe the interior of this home, and opulence was the word that kept floating to the top.  Let us know what you think!edit
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