Posts Tagged ‘adam pendleton photography’

Interior Photos of the Day… (or Month)

Well, it’s been a bit since I posted any updates.  I’ve been traveling a good bit on some jobs for clients, and I have neglected you.  I apologize.  I know that your day is not complete without your dose of interior photography, so here is today’s dose.

This set is from several different jobs, and they are decent mix of really nice interior design, and just some cool spaces.  I’ll get back on my schedule this week, but I hope you like these!

Let us know what you think!

BTW, thanks to The Komar Team, Laury Gardner, Kade Homes and Renovations, and Cory Jones for these!

Today (4 of 7)
Today (7 of 7) Today (1 of 1) Today (1 of 2) Today (1 of 4) Today (1 of 7) Today (2 of 2) Today (2 of 4) Today (2 of 7) Today (3 of 4) Today (4 of 4)


North Atlanta Commercial Spaces: Northside Hospital – Forsyth

More and more, commercial property owners are devoting significant resources in the design phases of construction to the eventual use and aesthetic of their properties.  This can produce some stunning spaces, with much more beauty and functionality than was common in the last few decades.  We have several examples of this in Atlanta, and today’s images come from the north side of town, Northside Hospital – Forsyth.

I do a good bit of work for Northside Hospital, and this assignment was to capture some of the interior spaces for an upcoming marketing campaign, which will show the absolute first-rate facilities and practices at the hospital.  The spaces were designed to use light in very different ways, so I tried to shoot them at times where the light was the most extreme.  I hope you like them….Let us know what you think!IMG_1558-Edit IMG_1598-Edit IMG_1628-Edit IMG_1676-Edit IMG_1724-Edit IMG_1757-Edit IMG_1782-Edit IMG_1809-Edit IMG_1817-Edit

Interior Photos of the Day… Christmas Home

Here are some images from a beautifully decorated home with Christmas decor, courtesy of Jennifer Waldrip.  Character, uniqueness, color, warmth…..I could use a ton of adjectives to describe this interior, but the images do a much better job.  We were even able to convince the owner (and decorator) to pose for us in one of the spaces!  Thanks Wendy Grimsley Durnwald for being such a good sport!

This time of year can be very joyous for many reasons, but there are always those that don’t experience the same joy as we might.  Please make sure to use your blessings to bring that joy to others!

Merry Christmas!

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